[Opps, this should have been posted a couple weeks ago.]
After 32 days traveling I’m finally home. Places visited; Hong Kong, Den Haag, Bernburg, Dessau, Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, Rotterdam, Schaijk (near Oss in the Netherlands), Enkhuizen, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Coolangatta, Byron Bay, Lennox Head and Skennars Head. Not a bad effort aye! In the last post I was on my way to Dresden for an afternoon then onto Berlin for a couple days to hang out with Simon (Brother), Rubin (Dutch Cousin), Jan (a friend also from NL), and my Mother, and we had a blast! Instead of writing lots I figured I’d just put a bunch of picture here instead, enjoy;
- Dessau (Germany): Bauhaus Building – It’s me! Spent the day here during the DLA2012 Conference.
- Bauhaus Building – A classic angle.
- Bauhaus Building – I’ve never seen images of the rear of the Bauhaus Building, really like these balconies.
- Berlin – It’s just like the blobby shapes I’d did for a research project (have a rummage through my posts).
- Berlin – Close up of Blobby Building
- Berlin Graffiti – Pretty cool
- Berlin – The crew.
- Berlin – Bugatti Veyron; Mmmm. Nice ride.
- Berlin – A couple beers for lunch.
- Berlin – Cheese
- Berlin – Of course you’d find a McD’s @ check point charlie!
- The Hauge – A typical dutch shopping street.
- Enkhuizen – In the North of Holland.
- Enkhuizen – Such an awesome little town.
- Enkhuizen – Good times.
- Enkhuizen – Yes, its a goat.
- Amsterdam – Yes, it’s some boats, in Amsterdam (near the Nemo Building)
- Amsterdam: Nemo Building – Such a cool design.
- The centre of Utrecht.
- This isn’t unique, most of the old buildings in the netherlands are a bit crooked.